Dorothée will be in the film, first images

June 7 will mark the return of the Transformers franchise five years after its last installment.With more than 12 million admissions in France and 4.8 billion dollars generated at the global box office, it is somewhat normal that Paramount continues to bet on it.This episode will introduce the Maximals, new types of Transformers, inspired by wild animals (gorilla, panther, rhino, falcon, etc.) The film will be set in the 90s, which will allow Optimus Prime and his teammates to have the look of the cartoons of our childhood.If the original version of the film cast a lot of stars to do the voices, for the French version, we decided to call on star-talents.A few days ago, we learned that the excellent videographer Mister V (one of the funniest men in France by the way) put his voice in the film since he dubbed Mirage, in reference to the album of his first musical album.

But the YouTuber will not be the only one, since we have just learned that Dorothée will also be in the film, in the role of Airazor, the Maximals’ aerial reconnaissance expert.It is a falcon whose role will be to warn of dangers upstream thanks to its status as a bird.For Dorothée, it’s a kind of homecoming, she who started out playing comedy before becoming the host of all the children.In VO, it is Michelle Yeoh who doubles the character of Airazor.Otherwise,

Patrick Messe lends his voice to Optimus Prime and Michel Vigné to that of Optimus Primal.

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