Did you like the demo? Sunday poll

“Stellar Blade” is nearing release. Beforehand, PS5 players can get a taste of the adventure thanks to a demo. In your opinion, does it amount to a purchase recommendation?

“Stellar Blade” will be launched exclusively for the PS5 at the end of April 2024 and lets players explore a post-apocalyptic world in the role of Eve.


The first forays into the action adventure from the Korean developer SHIFT UP are possible in advance thanks to a demo. But what impression does it leave on you?

Have you played the Stellar Blade demo and how do you like it?

The Demo of “Stellar Blade” has been in the Playstation Store since Friday and can be downloaded more or less for free. Players without a PS Plus membership pay 25 cents due to youth protection regulations.

Let's come to the first question: Have you dealt with the demo of “Stellar Blade” or do you perhaps want to start the full version unprepared?

The sample version contains an introduction to the game mechanics, including some of the special attacks. With what they have learned, players face a boss and work their way through the other demo content of “Stellar Blade”.


But how did you like what you saw in the demo? You can give more detailed impressions in the comments.

Which version of Stellar Blade are you picking up?

One final question for players who have decided to purchase “Stellar Blade”: Which version will you own?

On the one hand, the title is sold in the standard edition, which both on disc as well as the digital version costs 79.99 euros. For ten euros more you can get the digital deluxe edition, which includes additional digital content and a chunk of FP-ERF as well as gold.

The demo of “Stellar Blade” recently became one Subjected to technical analysis, which discussed the three graphics modes. In addition, the rating in the PlayStation Store suggests that most players are quite impressed.

Reading tip – Stellar Blade played: Crazy PS5 action with great potential

PS5 Pro price and microtransactions

On the previous two Sundays we wanted to know which one from you Price you would pay for the PS5 Pro and what you like microtransactions in full-price games. The results are now here:

Especially the PS5 Pro is an exciting topic now that technical details are increasingly leaking out. In addition, insider Tom Henderson was recently able to provide information on the related matter PS5 Pro Enhanced Label raise.

Further news about Stellar Blade.

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