Initially scheduled for arrival on April 16, the end date of the current season 3 known as “Assembly Season”, season 4 of Diablo is postponed by one month. Season 3 is therefore extended accordingly, and will end on May 14 (official launch date of season 4). The development team cited profound changes in the game philosophy, and in particular in the mechanics of obtaining loot, to justify this postponement. These changes would be so significant that Blizzard decided to invite players to an early testing period (RPT for Realm Public Test). A sort ofearly access from season 4 who barely hides his name. To access it, you will need to log in to your account. Characters participating in the PTR will start from 0, but will see their combat stats boosted at the end of the test.
You can't RP Test
“Quality over quantity“: quality instead of quantity, this will be the new direction that the mechanics of loot. The developers intend to reduce the quantity of objects obtained, in favor of more efficient, rarer and more relevant objects. It must be said that the last two seasons had been particularly rich in loot… many of which ended up with the merchant or thrown away along the way. In order to optimize players' time, the statistics will be more readable, and certain contextual bonuses should disappear (or become rarer). Two important developments await the affixes (these bonuses that can be extracted from an item to transfer it to weapons/armor). The number of affixes will be reduced, while making these affixes more efficient. In addition, all Legendary Affixes can be applied to our pieces of equipment. Crafting will also be revised, to make it more interesting and more efficient, with greater chances of obtaining more efficient items. Finally, be aware that the best loot will only be accessible in world level 3 and 4.
Likewise, the Blizzard team promises many improvements regarding each class available in the game. The developers are committed to making the endgame more attractive and more rewarding. Of thenote patches should be disclosed in the coming weeks regarding these subjects.
The Season 4 testing period will take place on PC from April 2 to 9, 2024. There should be a new Campfire Chat next week for new details regarding this PTR.