Development was a “5 year project” and was always part of the plan

PlayStation's co-CEO has confirmed that development of the PS5 Pro began ahead of the PS5's launch. He also made a comparison with the PS4 Pro.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is planning to launch the PS5 Pro for several years. According to Hideaki Nishino, co-CEO of PlayStation and CEO of the platform business group, development started before the launch of the PS5.

With the aim of continually improving the performance and appeal of the PlayStation console, Sony began the concept for the mid-generation upgrade early on.

PS5 Pro should take into account the technical possibilities of the next few years

The decision in favor of the PS5 Pro is based on the experiences from the previous generation, especially with the PS4 Pro. “We made a Pro last generation,” Nishino explained. “We learned a lot from that.”

At that time it was shown that 20 percent of PS4 customers also chose the PS4 Pro. According to Sony, a notable proportion of new users started straight away with the Pro model.

“It was high-end, it was premium. So there are potential users who purchase such devices. “Interestingly, it wasn't just about very dedicated people – in fact, new users came to PlayStation to get a PS4 Pro,” said Nishino.

The co-CEO of PlayStation describes the PS5 Pro as the result of a five-year development cycle in which it was particularly important for Sony to take into account the technical possibilities of the next few years.

“So we started working on the PS5 Pro before the PS5 launched – for us it was another five-year project. “So there were discussions about whether we wanted to do another Pro or not,” Nishino further explained.

Sony sees a high level of interest in the PS5 Pro

In addition, innovations and technological progress are faster in the modern world. Nishino pointed to annual updates to other technologies such as smartphones and PCs.

While Sony doesn't want to release a new console every year, the PS5 Pro is intended to bring together the best technological innovations and is designed to support the 10-year life cycle of the PlayStation generation.

“We are pleased that most dedicated gaming users are interested in the PS5 Pro. And I’m pretty sure that new users will also get the PS5 Pro,” Nishino explained later.

Further reports about the PS5 Pro:

The PS5 Pro is sold for 799.99 euros and, according to Nishino, is aimed at both dedicated gamers and new users who want to discover the PlayStation world. The console is scheduled to go on sale on November 7, 2024 – next week.

More news about PS5 Pro.

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