Despite Criticism, Disney and Marvel to Continue with New MCU Superhero Episode

Culture news Despite the strong criticism of the previous film, Disney and Marvel persist with this MCU superhero. There will be a new episode and we already have information.


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The fourth episode of this film in the Marvel saga was not as good as it should have been. The main actor regretted having given such a performance which was too parody according to him, yet he returns in a fifth film.


Thunder rumbles like never before

A ninth film is in preparation for Chris Hemsworth, a ninth film in which he will play Thor, the god of thunder. This fifth episode is released following a fourth to a mixed reception. Considered funny by some, too parodic for others, it is a particularly complex production, and the Australian actor himself admitted to having lost a little confidence in him and his performance in the last film. But so, what does Thor 5 mean?

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A battle of divine proportions is coming: New Asgard prepares for war against Omnipotence City. A particularly serious first synopsis, which contrasts with the parodic side of the last production: Thor Love and Thunder. Now, Thor will have to prevent this war between his people and the Gods, but it probably won't be easy to do. New deities will likely appear, but they have not yet been determined. We know some members of Thor's family and Norse mythology has many other godseach more powerful than the other.

A new director?

Needless to say, Taika Waititi's film received mixed reviews. Thor 4 grossed $760.9 million at the worldwide box office, it cost a third of that. Despite the poor feedback and reviews, the film remains a commercial success. However, nothing is certain for this future sequel. Marvel surely wants to abandon this comedy side and return to a more serious tone. What is certain is that rumors say that a next opus is in preparation. However, Taika Waititi claims to not know if the future film is in the works or not. He declares :

I don't know if the rumor is correct. But I know I won't be involved… I'll focus on the other films I'm committed to.

We therefore understand that if Thor 5 begins its preparations, there is little chance that Taika Waititi will take care of its production.

About the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

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