Dead by Daylight goes analog horror with the All Things Wicked chapter – News

Reckless, Sable Ward is the first survivor to have voluntarily rushed into the evil mist which takes innocents towards the dimension of the entity. And for good reason: her best friend Mikaela Reid, present in the game since 2021, was captured by the same fog. Sable intends to kick the ass of everyone on his name to get to the bottom of this matter.

Her abilities play with her story to strengthen Sable when she rushes into the heart of danger: the Cave, present on each map. Summon: Weaving Spiders allows him to cast a powerful spell in the Cave. If the ritual is completed, all generators will be partially repaired. Sable's allies are notified when a summon begins and can join her to speed up the process. However, performing the ritual will injure Sable and prevent her from healing for the rest of the game. No other rituals can be performed.


It's almost nerd because the skill Strength in the Shadows allows you to heal yourself without a health kit while you are in the Cave. Dressing his wounds will also reveal the location of the killer. Finally, Sable will be able to get off the meat hooks of the Cellar with Wickedness. As soon as the hot-headed survivor is unhooked, she can also see the killer.

The evil that lurks

Sable Ward does not arrive alone: ​​she is pursued by the urban legend that haunts her hometown of Greenville, the Unknown, a strange distorted figure whose face is split into a wide smile with a little too much gum. This creature makes anyone who tries to understand the nature of its existence disappear. In game, this is materialized by its power VIX (Unknown Venom X), a burst of bile that explodes to inflict negative effects in the area – even injuries. Survivors must contemplate the Unknown to purge themselves of its miasma. The problem is that the ghostly killer leaves behind a trail of hallucinations; he can teleport to a mirage at any time to surprise his victims.

The Unknown arrives with the skill Separatedwhich activates when it damages a survivor. Separated then gives him a small speed bonus each time he climbs over a window. Useful if the VIX hurts someone through an opening and you have to chase after its prey. When the Unknown destroys a generator, Unexpected transfers its terror ray to the generator and renders the killer completely silent for a while. Finally, Decomposition accumulates tokens each time a survivor misses an action. All tokens are consumed when the Unknown damages a generator; for each token burned, the generator regresses and is blocked. Which can permanently neutralize a machine at the end of the game.


Already quite plump, this patch also welcomes the map of Greenville, a very quiet little town which had the fantastic idea of ​​building a cinema/arcade room on the ruins of a burned down school. Who knew it would go wrong? Players will also be able to run towards the snack bar and the central square to vary the pleasures.

The chapter “All Things Wicked” is already available on the PTB server, where you can participate in the great bug hunt. Behavior hasn't specified a final delivery date, but the chapter is expected to drop on March 12.

The most beautiful to go and clamor

Without any connection, Dead by Daylight currently hosts four Iron Maiden cosmetics as variations on their mascot Eddie. Eddie Pharaoh (Powerslave) for the Doctor, Samurai Eddie (Senjutsu) for the Oni, Eddie the Stranger (in a strange land) for the Deaththrower and finally the disparate collage Eddie Frankenstein's monster for the Dragage. The survivors will be able to put on Iron Maiden t-shirts as if they were going to Hellfest rather than towards their death.
