(Currently) no purchase recommendation for the new game from the Ori developers

Ori developer Moon Studios is taking a risk with its new game No rest for the wicked into diablo-like and dark-soul realms.


The whole adventure started the day before yesterday Early access on the PC – and early really hits the nail on the head. The ratings are currently available on Steam acid yellow “balanced”almost 2,000 reviews are full of criticisms.

No Rest for the Wicked: Too early to test, early enough for a purchase warning

Miserable performance Even on powerful hardware, confusing and unchangeable keyboard controls, an unfairly high and tough level of difficulty – it's currently very difficult to make a fair judgment about No Rest of the Wicked. What we can currently evaluate is the release anything but smooth running. We would love to talk about the content, but technology is currently taking over the entire stage.

A Blunder follows on from the next:

  • No rest for the wicked must be played with the controller. The keyboard works too, but thanks to its confusing layout it's harder to tame than the hellhound Cerberus.
  • the FPS regularly ride rollercoastersup and down and sometimes falls completely into the basement during in-game sequences and boss fights – this takes away from the immersion and is very irritating because the game brings almost every device to its knees
  • No Rest for the Wicked looks visually impressive Diablo out, but has a lot instead Dark Souls (learning, dodging, attacking) in your blood. However, the whole thing doesn't fully work out yet, because… many wheels have to be turned. It is not yet entirely possible to learn from one's own mistakes because sometimes the mere presence seems to be the fault
  • the character is permanently much too slow – you feel like you're wearing cement shoes, a real sprint still seems to be missing
  • every death reduces the condition of your equipment – not a bad idea, but it tastes quite harsh at the beginning because the game doesn't even want to let you get there for two seconds
  • the fights take a long time very laborious, take a very long time and require you to pay close attention to your endurance. Because when you run out of stamina, it's over.
  • Performance is your first enemy lack of balance your second. And as long as both still have so much power, it is not possible to look at and enjoy the interesting combat system (special attacks, combos) in detail
  • In addition, there is currently a difficult and Not particularly intuitive menu navigation

“A patch will fix it!” – we hope so much because we have been waiting for this alternative for so long. Combining Diablo with Dark Souls is an interesting concept that deserves the attention it deserves – but in a way that doesn't overshadow everything else. This early access started too early. We check when it is time for a fair test. Not today.

