Crushing the Challenges of Helldivers 2: Expert Tips for Advanced Difficulty Levels

While playing Helldivers 2, you will quickly want to try the most difficult difficulty modes like Dangerous, Extreme or Impossible. However, it won’t take you long before you realize that they may well give you a hard time. We explain to you how to survive even at a high level.

New cooperative shooter available on PC and PlayStation 5, Helldiverse II stands out for its extremely enjoyable and explosive side. Very quickly, you will have to destroy entire hordes of disgusting insects using your exceptional arsenal made up of large-caliber weapons, flamethrowers, turrets and other orbital strikes. However, if your first missions should not pose too many problems for you, you will surely quickly want to spice up your games a little. To do this, Helldivers II offers you no less than 9 different difficulties:


  • Anecdotal
  • Easy
  • Average
  • Dangerous
  • Difficult
  • Extreme
  • Suicidal
  • Impossible
  • Infernal

If you want to tackle the more difficult modes, however, you will first have to complete missions in each difficulty. Indeed, Difficulty modes are unlocked simply by completing an operation on the previous difficulty. In other words, to unlock Easy mode you must complete an operation in Anecdotal, to unlock Average mode you must complete an operation in Easy, etc. Be careful though, note that you must complete an entire operation to unlock the next difficulty. In the lower difficulty modes, an operation often consists of only one mission, but this is not the case on higher difficulties. So, to unlock Impossible mode for example, you will have to complete the three missions that make up an operation in Suicidal mode.

Dangerous, Difficult, Extreme… Why play in advanced difficulty modes?

Whether it’s out of fear of taking on bigger players than you or because you’re already struggling to survive the most trivial difficulties, you might wonder what’s the point of seeking out the more trivial difficulty modes? advances. In addition to the feat that this represents, know that there are several real reasons which can push you to risk higher difficulties. The first is of course that you will earn many more medals by playing in these more advanced modes. As we told you in our dedicated article, completing missions on high difficulties is the best way to collect as many medals as possible, which you will use to unlock Battle Pass items. Indeed, by completing an Anecdotal level mission, you will leave with only one medal. By doing the same with Impossible level operations, you can leave with around thirty medals.

Helldivers 2: Difficult, Extreme, Impossible... How to survive in these advanced difficulty levels?

The other main reason to play the harder modes is that this will be the only solution to unlock all the improvements of your ship. Indeed, by using the command console on the left side of your ship, you have surely noticed that you can buy stratagems, but that you can also improve them. To do this, however, you will have to collect a lot of resources called “samples” which you will find directly in your missions (generally in enemy bases or nests). Samples come in three different versions (green, orange, and pink), and you will only be able to collect oranges and pinks on the highest difficulties (Dangerous, Difficult and Extreme for oranges, Suicidal, Impossible and Infernal for roses). If you want to improve your stratagems, you will have no choice but to tackle these.

During your first games of Helldivers II, you surely took great pleasure in destroying absolutely all the insects and other robots you encountered. It must be said that between the large caliber weapons, air strikes and orbital cannons, there is plenty to have fun in the game and it would be a shame to ignore it. However, if you start tackling the most advanced difficulties, you will quickly notice that even strikes using 500Kg bombs and other half-nuclear weapons will not be enough to eradicate all the adversaries who attack you. Believe it or not, even in a game as explosive and enjoyable as Helldivers II, you’re going to have to play with a bit of strategy if you want to survive the higher difficulties.


First, don’t try to kill absolutely everything that comes your way and try to play a little more stealthily. Especially for patrols you will come across on the way. If the latter are often made up of only a few insects or robots and therefore appear to be easy targets, it only takes a few seconds of confrontation with them for them to call other insects (via breaches) or other robots (via aerial reinforcements). If they manage to do so, these simple patrols will turn into large waves of enemies sometimes composed of the most powerful units such as Corrosive Titans or some Colossinot to mention those awful Chargers. You will then end up being overworked and will try to flee only to end up right in a nest, which will add even more enemies, and that’s the tragedy. If you can: avoid patrols by going around them. The best thing is to have at least one person in your team who has a scout armor to place points on the map that should reveal surrounding opponents.

Another tip we could give you to survive more easily in the more advanced difficulty modes is to simply not try to clear everything. Of course, it is beneficial to explore as much as possible to recover a lot of resources and accumulate experience. However, once you have accomplished the objective you have in mind, do not hesitate to flee without eliminating all the opponents. Sometimes escaping is a much better solution in combat, especially in missions that only involve closing nests or destroying bases. Do what you have to do and move on to the next objectives without eliminating everyone, or you risk running out of time. To make an effective escape, don’t hesitate to equip yourself with defensive stratagems like mines, turrets or even drops of smoke or electrical pulses.

Furthermore, to survive the most serious difficulties, it is absolutely necessary to think about your equipment in advance and to select a few additional stratagems. For example, in a team of 4 players, it is always good to have a specialist in orbital strikes, another in defensive elements and another in support weapons. This way, you should always have something to deal with in any situation, even when everything seems to be going out of control. Of course, this necessarily requires communicating well with your allies, whether they are your friends or not. Do not hesitate to use your microphone, or at least the various pings and other means of rapid communication in the game to report dangers or what you need.
