Control 2, Condor, Max Payne Remake… Remedy discusses the progress of its games! | Xbox

Remedy unveiled its results of the first quarter of 2024. As we know, the studio has numerous games in preparation, and this presentation was an opportunity for the firm to take stock of the progress of each project.

Max Payne remakes soon in full production

As always with the Finnish studio, the details on the evolution of the different games are clear, and we first discover that the remakes of Max Payne 1 & 2 will enter full production during this quarter.


The studio also indicates that development costs have increased compared to the previous year, in particular due to the increase in development costs for these remakes:

The Max Payne 1 & 2 remake is still in the production preparation stage. The game is expected to enter full production during the second quarter of 2024.

Announced in April 2022, they are developed under Remedy's Northlight engine and are planned for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC.

Described as “big projects” by the firm, they are eagerly awaited by players. We also wonder who will lend his voice to the iconic hero following the death of actor James McCaffrey on December 17.

Alan Wake 2 DLC still in preparation

Launched in October 2023, Alan Wake 2 continues on its merry way, and Remedy indicates today that the title has recovered a large part of its development and marketing costs.


In February, we learned that the game had sold more than 1.3 million copies, and the teams are now working on future DLC:

Sales of Alan Wake 2 continued with a high average price. By the end of the first quarter, the game had recouped much of the development and marketing costs. During the first quarter, the team focused on working on downloadable content (DLC) that will extend Alan Wake 2

The new Control games are progressing well!

Remedy also gave news of its projects around the Control franchise. We thus discover that the team in charge of Control 2 has focused on finalizing the proof of concept phase and that the game should enter full production during this quarter:

The Control 2 team has focused on finalizing the proof of concept phase, during which the world, game mechanics, and visual targets are proven. We expect the project to move into the production readiness phase during the second quarter of 2024.

For its part, Codename Condor, the multiplayer spin-off in the Control universe, is in full production and Remedy mentions that the various playstests are positive:

Codename Condor, part of the Control franchise, has moved into full production, meaning it has reached the final stage of development before the game launches. Based on extensive internal playtesting, we can see that the gameplay loop is engaging and that the game brings a unique angle to Remedy for this genre of game.

Codename Kestrel is still at the concept stage. First announced as Codename Vanguardthe free-to-play cooperative multiplayer game, was rebooted last year and the teams continue to refine the game's concept.

The least we can say is that the studio is very busy and we obviously can't wait to find out more about its different projects.
