Capcom acknowledges a major error with Street Fighter 5

The fighting game Street Fighter 5 turned eight years old this year. Capcom thanks you for the love for the game, even though the launch was anything but good.

Street Fighter 5: Bugs have been ironed out

The start of the fifth part of the Street Fighter series took place anything but smooth. Players complained about technical issues, while Capcom, as developer and publisher, took additional criticism for the lack of available characters and content.


Ultimately, however, the tide has turned on the highly anticipated sequel. In a post on In the end the game offered 45 playable characters and a new combat system. After the improvements, the number of players grew significantly, for which Capcom would once again thank the fans (source: Twitter).

On Steam, Street Fighter 5 has received “mixed” and “mostly positive” reviews, with many still recommending the game (view now on Steam). Even today, hundreds of fans still enjoy playing the game (source: SteamDB).

Get a first impression of Street Fighter 6:

Street Fighter 6 is off to a great start

Capcom says it has learned from its experiences with the fifth part and successfully integrated them into Street Fighter 6. While the fifth part of the series got off to a rocky start, That's why things went even better for sixth place. Street Fighter 6 attracted over 70,000 players when it launched in June 2023.


On Steam, the game received “mostly positive” and “very positive” reviews, with 78 percent of players recommending the title at the time of writing (view now on Steam). In the last 24 hours, almost 11,000 fans fought for victory (Source: SteamDB).
