Bringing Mace Windu back into Star Wars: Why it’s not so crazy to believe he’s still alive

Did Mace Windu really lose his life against Palpatine during Episode III of Star Wars (Revenge of the Sith) ? A priori, yes. But the scene nevertheless offers hope for the Jedi master's survival. And the actor who played him, Samuel L. Jackson, is counting on playing him one last time in a series.

Twenty years after his last appearance in the cinema, Mace Windu could well make his comeback, but this time on the small screen. In any case, this is the desire clearly expressed by Samuel L. Jackson, the actor who lent his features to him, during an interview given to Empire Magazine.


If nothing is officially decided, the American actor, now 75 years old, has said he is available for a television series. It would then arrive on Disney+, the entertainment giant's streaming service, if it was confirmed. A green light would also settle once and for all the fate of Mace Windu after the adventures of the last film in which he appears.

Mace Windu defeated Palpatine, before being betrayed by Anakin Skywalker

Remember: in episode III of Star Wars (Revenge of the Sith), Mace Windu and three other Jedi Masters go to Palpatine's chambers to arrest him. Mace Windu indeed learned from Anakin Skywalker the true identity of the chancellor, who is in fact a Sith master – Darth Sidious.

A fight then begins, Palpatine not being at all decided to let himself be challenged. After having put the three comrades of Mace Windu to the sword (laser), the latter and Palpatine confront each other one on one. The surviving Jedi Master manages to gain the upper hand and prepares to punish Palpatine, to save the Senate and the Galaxy at the same time.

Source: Star Wars
Mace Windu, center, with his companions, during the attempted arrest of Palpatine. // Source: Star Wars

Alas, Anakin Skywalker, troubled by the Chancellor's influence, intervenes at the last word and cuts off one of Mace Windu's hands. Palpatine, seeing an unexpected opportunity to escape, then unleashes Force lightning on the unfortunate hero. Deprived of his lightsaber, he can no longer ward off Palpatine's attack and ends up thrown from the top of the building.


Is Mace Windu really dead?

Since then, Mace Windu has been considered dead, killed either by Force lightning or by the fall. In any case, the character was never seen alive again. The only exception is at the very end of episode IX of Star Wars, which takes place around fifty years after Episode III. Mace Windu is dead, but he speaks to Rey through the Force.

However, the way in which the scene of the duel between Mace Windu and Palpatine was constructed always left a possibility, even slight, of the survival of the first against the second. After all, we never saw his remains clearly. He was able to escape somehow, even though he was seriously injured.

This possibility has always been entertained by some fans. Today, on the occasion of the celebration of 25 years of the prelogy of Star Wars (episode I was released in 1999), it is also covered by Samuel L. Jackson. “ He is not dead ! “, he proclaimed. The declaration of an actor does not have official value, but it reflects a feeling.

Source: Star Wars TheorySource: Star Wars Theory
Fans sometimes have fun imagining a Mace Windu who would still be alive. // Source : Star Wars Theory

Star Wars instead for a miniseries with Samuel L. Jackson

Truth be told, there aren't many obstacles to the prospect of a Mace Windu-centric miniseries. This approach has already been explored in 2022 by Disney with Obi-Wan Kenobi, a character highly appreciated by the fandom, whose role was re-entrusted to Ewan McGregor, again two decades later.

Re-exploiting iconic heroes, even if it borders on fan service, is not the type to scare Disney. It turns out that Mace Windu has a similar popularity rating to Obi-Wan Kenobi and so does the actor. In addition, Mace Windu has a tough guy profile, which could fit very well with the idea of ​​survival.

Some might argue that the return of Mace Windu to the plot could cause problems with story coherence. If he's alive, why hasn't he taken action against the Galactic Empire? What were his actions against Palpatine? Why didn't he give Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi a helping hand? And so on.

What was possible with Obi-Wan Kenobi can be duplicated with others. // Source: Lucasfilm

It is not necessary, however, to break the canon of Star Wars to tell a little plot. This is what was done with the series Obi-Wan Kenobi : the story did not fundamentally contradict the achievements of the original trilogy. He simply filled a void, imagining a small story within the big one.

Such an option is entirely plausible with a Mace Windu series. We have no doubt for a moment that the screenwriters will be able to explore the survival of the Jedi master and how he extricated himself from the underbelly of Coruscant, the capital planet. How he acted underwater by having a discreet but decisive contribution to the fight against the dictatorship.

Today, Disney's schedule with Star Wars is already relatively busy: several series and films are in the works for the years to come. Is there room and the will to add such a project? We wish we could say yes. One thing is certain: the actor's advanced age should encourage Disney not to delay too long.

Source: Numerama EditingSource: Numerama Editing
