Beyond Good & Evil 2: Still in development? Insider gives a little update!

Beyond Good & Evil 2 looked promising, but it has been years in coming. Is the title still coming? A renowned insider now has a little update ready!


Beyond Good & Evil is a 2003 action-adventure film that followed the story of Jade, an investigative journalist, in the year 2435. The title received excellent reviews at the time, but did not become a commercial success. Nevertheless, Ubisoft started working on Beyond Good & Evil 2, which has now been years in coming.

After the development work was confirmed in 2016, a first short teaser followed in 2017 and a year later in 2018 a full-fledged cinematic trailer for Beyond Good & Evil 2. And then? There was hardly any solid information about the game; instead, there was one internal shift after another. Interested gamers are therefore right to ask themselves whether the title, which was so promising when it was introduced, will still be released at all – after all, Ubisoft recently completely canceled another well-known project, The Division: Heartland.

In the case of Beyond Good & Evil 2, there is now a bit of an all-clear, at least if you believe the usually well-informed and well-connected insider Tom Henderson. He took up the topic via social media and confirmed: Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in the works and is still being developed. However, apparently not everything is going according to plan because, according to Henderson, the situation is “very complicated”.


What that means in concrete terms can only be speculated about. Apparently, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still not clearly on track in terms of development; It is therefore not possible to make any statements about a possible release date and it remains to be seen when the new series part will actually be available. As long as work on the game continues, there is at least hope that the title will appear at all!

Since its announcement, Beyond Good & Evil 2 has experienced a lot. Among other things, the actually responsible director, Michel Ancel, who oversaw the first game in this role, left Ubisoft in 2020 after reports of incorrect management. In 2023, creative director Emile Morel died completely unexpectedly and so far there has been no official announcement as to who will succeed him in this position.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 – Space Monkeys at E3 2018 Trailer

In this video, Ubisoft takes a look back at the E3 appearance of Beyond Good & Evil 2.
