Baphomet's Curse Reforged: Test comparison of German magazines [3/5] – News

Hagen Gehritz 191748 EXP – Editor,R9,S10,A9,J10
20 September 2024 – 10:08 — last updated 15 minutes ago

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In our grade comparison to Baphomet's Curse Reforged we list tests, reviews, ratings or whatever from the following German online game magazines – regardless of the fact that some of them also publish print offers (aka magazines):,,, (& and, of course, – although we politely place ourselves at the end of the review list. What is important to us: A rating can only ever be a rough description of the game quality – please read the respective test report before you comment on a possibly out-of-the-ordinary grade.

Rating comparison: Broken Sword Reforged

Review byNote/LinkQuote from the test report

Not tested*

of 100

No joke: For the first time in my almost 11-year GameStar career, I missed a meeting about Broken Sword: Reforged Edition. […] But that just shows how timeless the magic of this classic story is. […] At the same time, you can tell that the game is almost 30 years old, because Reforged remains an oldie under the hood: dialogue-heavy, slow, much more ponderous than many modern story games.


Not tested*

PC Games /

If you have always loved Broken Sword, you can't miss the Reforged Edition. The Templar Conspiracy remains a first-class adventure for fans and newcomers.

v. 10
The increased comfort is good for newcomers to the genre, but it only makes the game concept more attractive to them in a limited way. Even to me, it seems more out of date than ever. The new edition can therefore only really be recommended to those familiar with the original who want to experience the game again in a much better version. Everyone else can easily deduct two full points from my rating.
Average rating8.1*Last checked: 20.09.2024, 10:00

We calculate the average rating based on the 10-point system, so a “75” corresponds to a 7.5. Of course, the rating systems and philosophies differ in detail. If a magazine gives different ratings or grades depending on the platform, we use the highest for the average. If a test has since been published by a magazine that is marked here as “Not tested”, we would be happy if you would mention the rating and link in the comment.
