Attention all Witchers: Do not bring Ciri to the brothel

The city of Novigrad in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers several brothels for Geralt to visit. This isn't a problem for the white-haired hero alone. If you somehow manage to get Ciri to end up in the brothel, you'll get a nasty surprise.

The Witcher 3: This is how you destroy your save game forever

The YouTuber xLetalis has found a way to check your score in The Witcher 3 can effectively curse. In his video he actually wanted to explain how you as Geralt get Ciri's sword Zireael. But he stumbled upon a bug that every Witcher player will regret.


In the mission “Ciri’s Story: Breakneck Pace” you have to fight as Ciri in front of some pursuers fleeing the city of Novigrad. However, if you avoid the fighting and climb over the roofs instead, you can reach a part of the city that is actually closed during the mission. There you even have the opportunity to interact with various NPCs. However, the game quickly makes it clear to you that he doesn't like it.

Geralt always appears in the cutscenes, leading the conversations instead of Ciri. His student is only allowed to stand in the background and watch. But it gets particularly scary when you visit the brothel in Novigrad. There you can see Geralt Spend a little shepherd's hour. However, Ciri also seems to have taken hold of the carnal desire – this is where the aforementioned bug comes into play.

If you sleep with one of the prostitutes, it's in the cutscene a disturbing mix of Geralt and Ciri to see. But that's where the madness begins – Ciri's “transformation” remains even after the little number. From now on you no longer play as Ciri, but as a cross between Ciri and a half-naked Geralt. See for yourself:

According to xLetalis you have no way to get rid of this bug. The save game in question is therefore cursed forever. He himself comments on his discovery with the words:


“I have to admit – there are few video game decisions I regret more than this one.”

If you the immersive world of The Witcher 3 If you don't want to break it, you really shouldn't reproduce this bug. xLetalis also warns against this – especially if you play on the console. There are only a limited number of storage spaces available to you.
