Answer from Developer: Will the Difficulty Level of Elden Ring DLC be Reduced in Comparison to the Base Game?

It's been happening a lot lately Speculation about the DLC for Elden Ring given. Although one had Shadow of the Earth Tree announced, but a gameplay trailer or a concrete release date was missing for a long time. Most recently, From Software was on Steam possible versions of the extension for the QA department noticed.

On the anniversary of the Soulslike title, the cat was finally let out of the bag. So shall Shadow of the Earthtree, as we have already discussedat the June 21, 2024 come on the market. A first look at the DLC, the 39.99 euros will cost, was also given to us on our second birthday.


How difficult will the DLC be?

Of course, in the cosmos of Dark Souls, BloodborneElden Ring (buy now / €53.99 ) and Co. the question of the level of difficulty. So what can we expect from the big expansion for one of 2022's most important games? Eurogamer notes in its own article that From Software's DLCs to date have usually been even trickier than the original main titles.

Hidetaka Miyazaki, head of From Software, commented on the website, among other things, about the level of difficulty of the expansion. The challenge doesn't seem to be getting any easier for the players, quite the opposite.

We want to deliver these challenging encounters and formidable threats, and to do that we wanted to give the player population as much freedom as possible in how they handle them.

We wanted them to feel free in how they approach and deal with these challenges“, says Miyazaki. He cites the fight against Malenia as an example from Elden Ring. “Players looking for this type of challenge in our games will find a similar challenge in the DLC.


More news about From Software

Last year we did the story of the now world-famous developer summarized for you. Added to this was a detailed test of Armored Core 6, another title from From Software. The huge scope of Shadow of the Earthtree was also a topic on our website recently.

Source: Eurogamer
