Andrew Tate, a prominent figure in the masculinity movement, faces cyberattack on his “training” website

Hackers have infiltrated the training site of masculinist influence Andrew Tate. The data of almost a million users is online.

The Real World, the “training” platform by Andrew Tate, a famous masculinist influencer (9.2 million followers on X, ex-Twitter), was targeted by hackers. The specialized media Cybernews revealed on May 17 a massive data leak affecting nearly a million users. Exposed information includes usernames, email addresses, encrypted passwords, account recovery codes, and private messages.


Connection tokens have also been leaked: they allow the site to associate an identifier with a specific user. Hackers can hijack these tokens to pose as subscribers of the platform.

Even more worrying, the database contained more than 22 million user posts. The first exposed conversations date from October 2022, the most recent from April 2024. According to Cybernews, all of this information has been put online by hackers since at least April 8.

The people affected by this leak may in turn be targeted for bad intentions.

Authentication tokens from The Real World online. // Source: Cybernews
Emails and authentication tokens from The Real World online. // Source: Cybernews

Influencer accused of rape and sexual exploitation

Andrew Tate promises training to become wealthy through an advice and investment platform. On his site, he promises salaries of $10,000 after just one month of training. Testimonials from former subscribers revealed that the classes consisted only of listening to motivational speeches with misogynistic overtones. These revelations led Apple and Google to remove The Real World application from their platform.


Andrew Tate made himself known with masculinist speeches. // Source: Andrew TateAndrew Tate made himself known with masculinist speeches. // Source: Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate made himself known with masculinist speeches. // Source: Andrew Tate

In late 2022, Andrew Tate was arrested in Romania on charges of rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal sexual exploitation gang. In March 2024, British police obtained a European arrest warrant against the influencer over sexual assault allegations.

Contacted by Cybernews about the data leak, the company did not respond to journalists' questions.
