Amazing Wolverine Fan Film Excerpt – A Game Changer for Marvel’s Multi-Million Dollar Projects

Culture news The excerpt from this Wolverine fan film is mind-blowing, it buries everything Marvel has done with its multi-million dollar projects


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In recent years, Disney and Marvel productions have not always been unanimously praised, leaving quite a few fans wanting more. To compensate for this, some of them took on the challenge of producing their own footage. These are what we call fan films, and one of them, in homage to Wolverine and revealed recently, is so impressive that it buries everything Marvel can do with its millions.


It's not over for Wolverine! If Marvel resurrects him, fans will really pay homage to him

For a long time, it was believed that we would never see the character of Wolverine in the movies again Marvel. It must be said that the feature film Logandirected by James Mangold in 2017, brought a masterful conclusion to James “Logan” Howlett. But that was without taking into account Disney's plans and Ryan Reynolds' intentions for the continuation of the adventures of Deadpool. As we now know, the fifth phase of MCU will mark the return of the X-Men with the claws of adamantium in the one and only Marvel film of 2024, Deadpool and Wolverinebefore Captain America takes over in 2025.

Lately, communication around the film is waking up. A month ago, we had the right to a fresh trailer which offered us new details on the adventure that awaits the improbable tandem formed by Deadpool and Logan. The more time passes, the more fans are happy to have the right to this third part, even more when we know that Hugh Jackman preferred not to listen to this remark from Kevin Feigethe big boss of the MCU, who advised him not to come back. If Wolverine therefore makes the daring bet of returning within the chronology of the films Marvelthe superhero does not only inspire Disney!

A Viking version of Wolverine that outclasses anything Marvel has done so far!

After years and years of adaptations, not to mention the legacy left by Marvel comics, the character of James “Logan” Howlett has continued to inspire superhero fans. There are even fans so inspired by this character that they had the idea of ​​paying homage to him through fan films. On May 17, Godefroy Ryckewaert, multi-hat artist (director, editor, stuntman and choreographer) threw a stone into the pond by broadcasting his short film, called Logan the Wolfdedicated to the character of Wolverine. In this fan film, Godefroy chose a rereading that invokes Nordic folklore, and the least we can say is that the result is a real slap in the face!

Between bloody stabbing battles, equally brutal executions, this fan film is a mountain of violence lasting around ten minutes which goes up a notch when the Logan of this adaptation releases his claws. We don't know the exact budget allocated to this production, but we realize that it surpasses everything we've seen from Marvel and Disney since the very beginning, hands down! Even the way he regenerates his wounds is stunning. To top it off, we even have the right to a Magneto, Viking version, which looks just as good and makes us want to see more. The short film can be found above!

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