Aloha Links | Guide Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth

Aloha Links, how does it work?

The principle of Aloha Links is simple. As you explore the city, you'll come across people with a little emoji above their heads. This is a sign that it is a member of the application. At that point, greet him once you're close enough, and you'll become friends with him. The emoji turns green and, at the same time, you gain a small personality bonus, ranging from +5 to +15, the nature of which depends on the person with whom the link is made.

However, you are only at the beginning of your friendship with the person in question. By greeting her regularly you increase her level. Once it ends, you become a “friend” and you again inherit a personality bonus.


Kei's Aloha Links Rewards

Becoming friends with people, in addition to personality bonuses, also gives you tiered access to rewards from Kei, manager of the Revolve bar alongside the Bartender. As soon as you reach a certain level, you receive a text message from the waitress inviting you to join her. Go to the Revolve and talk to him to collect the following equipment:

  • 5 friends : Combat Sarashi
  • 15 friends : Combat Belt
  • 25 friends : Punk choker
  • 50 friends : Fleeting longsword
  • 100 friends : Dragon Boots
  • 200 friends : Kinagashi of the dragon

Note: We are talking about “friend” status and not “buddy”. So, it is not necessary to be friends to the maximum with different people to enjoy these rewards. Only a green emoji counts for these tiers.

Note 2: It is advisable to make sure to become friends as soon as possible with as many people as possible because levels 100 and 200 are very interesting. Dragon Boots are 4-star quality and grant a random stat bonus each turn. The Kinagashi is a 5-star piece of equipment and extends the duration of stat improvements. Relatively early in the adventure, you can therefore make a character very resistant (Kasuga for that matter), enough to approach the first half of the game a little more calmly.

The different types of Aloha Links members

There are different types of Aloha Links friends throughout Honolulu, the main archetypes of which are:


  • People who are randomly encountered on the street, and who become friends with us simply by greeting them OR can be met at different predefined points on the street, and who become friends with us by rescuing them from an attack
  • People we meet at a specific point in the street, and who become friends with us simply by greeting them
  • People or animals encountered at a specific point in the street and who become friends with us by giving them food or objects
  • People met at points of sale and who become friends with us by purchasing objects or products from them

Additionally, becoming friends with certain types of friends grants you a reward, in addition to a new personality bonus. This reward depends on the type of friend, and here are examples of possible gifts:

  • Dog: Silver plate
  • Cat: Enchanting Bomb
  • Bird: Giant egg
  • Traders: First aid kit, Restorative medicine
  • Other friends to whom we must give objects or food: Poseidon Water, Guardian Water

Aloha Links Member Locations

With a total of 200 friends, completing your “potédex” can take some time. We therefore offer you the complete list of these friends, specifying their locations and the conditions required to become friends and then friends with:

  • All Aloha Links members of Little Japan (ongoing)
  • All Aloha Links members in Waikiki is (ongoing)
  • All West Waikiki Aloha Links Members (ongoing)
  • All Aloha Links members in South Waikiki/Aloha Beach (ongoing)
  • All Aloha Links members of Aloha Bridge/District Five (ongoing)
  • All Aloha Links members in Anaconda/Harbor Park (ongoing)
  • All Downtown Aloha Links Members (ongoing)
  • All Chinatown Aloha Links Members (ongoing)
  • All Aloha Links members in the Cultural District/Charterer's Wharf (in progress)

Find the summary page of everything you need to know as well as all our guides on Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth.
