All Ghost Nests

Here is our guide to perfectly locating them 14 Ghost Nests within the 4 major regions of the game. Some of them are Infinite, meaning you can replay them as many times as you want with increasing difficulty with each new success. To activate them, you will need to perform a Forced Manifestation ritual and successfully completing them will allow you to obtain Nest slimeessential for considerably increasing your equipment, while automatically adding +1 to all your attributes (Strength, Dexterity etc.).

Dark Woods

  • Nest of Ghosts 1: Accessible quite early in the game, during the quest Those of the woods upon arriving near the Hunters' Camp.
  • Nest of Ghosts 2: Northwest of the Dark Woodsaccessible from the High Cavern shelter.
  • Nest of Ghosts 3: HAS the western edge of the areanot far from the Cascade shelter.
  • Nest of Ghosts 4: This last nest is very hard to find! Go through Infinite Void Breach from the north of the Marshes (near the Old Marais Camp shelter) to access this closed area of ​​the Dark Woods (Howling Cave) and find the Ghost Nest by going back to the surface. Remember to activate the shelter nearby to approach the All to the Shelters Trophy 🏆asking you to find them all.

Muddy Marshes

  • Nest of Ghosts 1: To the southwest of the Marais Bourbeux, south of Watchtower Camp.
  • Nest of Ghosts 2: Very close to the destroyed bridge where the main quest splits into two routes, leaving towards the Herses.

The Harrows

  • Nest of Ghosts 1: East of the millwhile climbing a cliff on the beach.
  • Nest of Ghosts 2: This is a Nest of Infinite Ghosts, that is to say that you will be able to chain together waves of increasingly powerful enemies while earning nice rewards. It is located in the fields among the Harrowsnot far from the Abandoned Farm shelter.
  • Nest of Ghosts 4: Always near the boat slipway shelter returning to the beach a little further eastyou will find this Nest of Infinite Ghosts.
  • Nest of Ghosts 5: Near Covenant Beach, east of the Herses. Very close to Phoebe's warehouse visited during the Breaking the Chain Haunting Case.

Mount Pleasant

  • Nest of Ghosts 1: At southeast of Fort Jerichoin a cave with two different entrances.
  • Nest of Ghosts 2: Leaving in the direction from the southwest in relation to the Fortin a dead end after a cave.
  • Nest of Ghosts 3: The last Ghost Nest in Mount Pleasant can be found at the southwest end of the region. Take the elevator near the Old Trade Route shelter and go down into the valley to find the Ghost's Nest behind some stone blocks to destroy.

Follow our other guides and useful information by going directly to our Complete Guide to Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.
